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Christiane Raschke (1956)

Like many fellow sculptors, the handicraft marked the beginning of Christiane Raschke’s artistic career. She completed an apprenticeship in ceramics and was already drawing attention in professional circles – she finished by winning first place nationally. Her apprenticeship, followed by two years as a journeyman, gave her a solid foundation for studying free ceramics in Nürtingen and, as a guest, at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Even back then, she was already exhibiting and, what is more, making appearances with performances and installations. In 1983 followed a course in free ceramics and sculpture with professors Seemann, Günther, and Spagnulo. Even before she got her degree, she was already teaching others and today still combines her work as an artist with her teaching work. Since 1997, she has been heading “Die Bergstatt” in Stuttgart; she uses it as a studio and presentation room.


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