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Gallery in Süßen

In our exhibition rooms, where bronze art is displayed on 800 m² of exhibition space, you will receive friendly, competent advice in a pleasant atmosphere.

Famous, well-established, but also young, up-and-coming artists and their works are represented. Take advantage of the unique opportunity to go directly to the place "where art is created", not only to see the finished exhibit, but also to follow the entire creative process from the idea to production to completion of the artwork.

Once you have made an appointment, we are also happy to give groups a tour of our production facilities. Here you can make the acquaintance of many an artist or hardworking craftsman. Don't hesitate to contact us. We are looking forwarding to being able to welcome you to Galerie Strassacker very soon. You are also perfectly welcome to combine your visit to our gallery rooms with a side trip through our extensive Sculpture Garden.

Opening hours

The sculpture exhibition is open:

Monday to Friday
from 08:30 am to 12:00 pm and
from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

In order to be able to advise you as best as possible, we recommend making an appointment in advance.


Edition Strassacker
Staufenecker Straße 19
73079 Süssen

Tel: +49 (0)7162 - 16-180
Fax: +49 (0)7162 - 16-190

Virtual tour

Impressions of the gallery


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