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Exclusive art catalogues from Edition Strassacker

Be inspired by our exclusive art catalogues. Here you will find high-quality sculptures that will transform your home and garden into a unique work of art. Experience the artistic diversity – request or download the catalogue now.

Katalogcover Gartenskulpturen 2025/26

Garden sculptures catalogue 2025/26

Light up your garden: Discover artistic accents for spring in your garden in our garden catalogue. Give your outdoor area a special touch with our unique bronze sculptures. Order or download the free garden catalogue now and start designing your garden.


Sculpture Edition Catalogue 2024/25

Discover a selection of limited edition sculptures in our Edition Strassacker bronze catalogue, which are particularly impressive in interiors. Discover bronze art presented in selected interiors. Simply request a free catalogue or download it as a PDF and discover the exclusive world of bronze art in your home.

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Experience the world of art comfortably from home - order your free art catalogue now! Please provide us with your address and we will process your catalogue request as soon as possible. Order your personal art catalogue today.

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Our guarantees

From modelling to the final precision machining of the cast bronzes, the works in the Edition Strassacker are produced exclusively in our workshops in Süssen and by the hands of our craftsmen.

  • Authenticity
  • Quality
  • Exclusivity
  • Limitation
  • Free delivery
  • Return guarantee

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