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Cancellation policy

Right of cancellation

You can cancel your contractual declaration within 30 days without having to indicate reasons in written form. The period begins after receipt of these instructions in written form, yet not before receipt of the goods by the recipient (in the case of repeated deliveries of the same type of goods, not before receipt of the first partial delivery) nor before fulfilment of our obligation to inform in accordance with Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 Para. 1 and 2 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code, as well as our obligations in accordance with § 312g Para. 1 Clause 1 and 2 in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code. To exercise your right of cancellation, you must send inform us, Ernst Strassacker GmbH & Co. KG Kunstgiesserei, Staufenecker Str. 19, 73079 Süssen, E-mail:, Fax +49 (0) 511 – 390605 – 20, of your intention to cancel this contract by means of a clear declaration (for example, letter, fax, e-mail). You can use the attached sample cancellation form. Sending the cancellation in due time is sufficient to meet the cancellation deadline.

Consequences of cancellation

In the case of an effective cancellation, the benefits received by both parties must be given back and, if appropriate, any derived benefits (such as interest) must be surrendered. If the received or derived benefits (for example, benefits from use) can be given back or surrendered only in deteriorated condition, partially or not at all, you must compensate us to this extent. For deterioration of the item and for derived benefits, you must only provide compensation insofar as the benefits or deterioration is due to handling the item more than necessary for checking its properties and function. "Checking the properties and function" means testing and trying out the respective goods, as is possible and common practice in a store, for instance. Goods consignable by parcel shipment must be returned at our expense and risk. Goods not consignable by parcel will be picked up from your premises. You must return or hand over the goods to the above address without delay and in every case within 30 days at the latest from the date on which you notify us of the cancellation of this contract. The deadline is met if you send off the goods before the period of 30 days expires. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you when you send off your declaration of cancellation, for us with its receipt. 

Sample cancellation form

(If you want to cancel the contract, then please fill in this form and send it back to us.)

To: Ernst Strassacker GmbH & Co. KG Kunstgiesserei, Staufenecker Str. 19, 73079 Süssen, e-mail or fax +49 (0) 511 – 390605 – 20:

- I/We (*) hereby cancel the contract I/we (*) concluded on the purchase of the following goods (*)/the rendering of the following services (*):

- ordered on (*)/received on (*)

- Name of the consumer(s):

- Address of the consumer(s):

- Signature of the consumer(s) (only in the case of a notification on paper)

- Date:

(*) Delete as applicable.

End of cancellation policy


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