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Sculpture Garden in Süßen

Visit our Sculpture Garden in Süssen where you can enjoy the fascination of "Art in the Garden" in our spacious 8,000 m² sculpture park.

Here you can experience bronze art in natural surroundings, including presentations of individual objects, original arrangements and the creation of water landscapes. Thanks to extraordinary radiance and high quality, each of our artworks becomes a natural design element which fits harmoniously into the garden landscaping and adds it very own accents. We would like to extend a cordial invitation to you to take a walk and spend some time in our enchanting Sculpture Garden. You can also discover ideas and inspiration for your own garden of your dreams at home.

Once you have made an appointment, we are also happy to give groups a tour of our production facilities. Here you can make the acquaintance of many an artist or hardworking craftsman. Don't hesitate to contact us. We are looking forwarding to being able to welcome you to our Sculpture Garden very soon. You are also perfectly welcome to combine your visit to our gallery rooms with a side trip through our gallery.

Nach Voranmeldung führen wir gerne auch Gruppen durch unsere Produktionsstätten. Lernen Sie dabei so manchen Künstler oder fleißigen Kunsthandwerker kennen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie schon bald in unserem Skulpturengarten zu begrüßen. Gerne können Sie Ihren Besuch in unserem Skukpturengarten mit einem Abstecher in unsere Galerie ergänzen.

Opening Hours

Due to renovation work, our sculpture garden is unfortunately not accessible until further notice.

Edition Strassacker
Staufenecker Straße 19
73079 Süssen

Tel: +49 (0)7162 - 16-180
Fax: +49 (0)7162 - 16-190

Impressionen aus dem Skulpturengarten


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