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Mädchen mit Vogel 18.500,00 €

Mädchen mit Vogel

Bronze sculpture details

Kurtfritz Handels "Girl with Bird" is with the slightly overlong arms and legs arms and legs, it can be recognized at first glance as a typical Handel figure. The work can be read as a representation of a particularly important period of life: That of late childhood, in which mature adolescence and adulthood already announce themselves and in which one, although still uncertain, already has one's own ideas about the world and tries to stand on one's own two feet. Handels Mädchen has has also already taken on responsibility: In her left hand she holds a young bird in her left hand, which she is setting free at this very moment - it will soon it will flutter off. And that, as things go, is what will happen to her in a few years. in a few years.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand. Limited to 9 numbered and signed copies.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative

Kurtfritz Handel

Handel's artistic work includes landscape and animal sculptures, portraits, figurative sculptures and drawings. Impressive about his work is his understanding of forms, which is marked even in broad abstraction with a deep sense of humour.


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Bronzefigur «Mädchen mit Vogel» von Kurtfritz Handel Bronzefigur «Mädchen mit Vogel» von Kurtfritz Handel Bronzefigur «Mädchen mit Vogel» von Kurtfritz Handel Bronzefigur «Mädchen mit Vogel» von Kurtfritz Handel Bronzefigur «Mädchen mit Vogel» von Kurtfritz Handel Bronzefigur «Mädchen mit Vogel» von Kurtfritz Handel