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Sightseeing 2.980,00 €


Bronze sculpture details

The whole world in its head, a sextant that prescribes the direction for the crew on an amphibious vehicle with bridge and wheel, sufficient protection on the ship of adventure that is equipped for setting off into the unknown. The artist comments on this: “Allegory of lived mobile and creative leisure behaviour, characterized by self-experiences and positive thinking – even during risky enterprises.”

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative

Wolfgang Knorr

Wolfgang Knorr studied anatomical drawing at the Dresden Academy of the Arts (with Professor Bammes) from 1964 to 1966, followed by a course of studies in metal design and metal and wood sculpture at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle (Saale).


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Bronzefigur Sightseeing von Wolfgang Knorr Bronzefigur Sightseeing von Wolfgang Knorr