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Mein Einhorn Pegasus 7.580,00 €

Mein Einhorn Pegasus

Bronze sculpture details

"The unicorn is the constant companion of my arts and the reason for all transformations. It is the heraldic sign of my efforts to create the total work of art. The unicorn has now risen to be a pegasus. Both myths have united within my creative work. Even the horn became recognizable in its similarity to the Lohengrin swan as a sign of its arrival from the grail. My unicorn pegasus is the symbol of a new dimension of my arts and their combination within this total work of art.

Dedicated to the friends of my arts and especially to you." Ernst Fuchs

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Mythology

Prof. Ernst Fuchs

Ernst Fuchs, who died in November 2015, always wanted to be a universal artist – and he consistently realised this desire throughout his life.


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Bronzefigur Mein Einhorn Pegasus von Ernst Fuchs Bronzefigur Mein Einhorn Pegasus von Ernst Fuchs Bronzefigur Mein Einhorn Pegasus von Ernst Fuchs Bronzefigur Mein Einhorn Pegasus von Ernst Fuchs