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Der, der sich nähert 4.800,00 €

Der, der sich nähert

Bronze sculpture details

Two human figures stand expectantly facing each other. This is an encounter with oneself: for the person who approaches is oneself. A melancholy examination of the uncertainty of human destiny and a call to return, in order to find the place that everyone has in life. In  contrast to the permanence of stone, Man’s ephemerality admonishingly emerges as a symbol of eternal continuity. 

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative

Miguel Sanoja

Miguel Sanoja comes from Venezuela, where he learnd at the School of Fine Arts, Cristobal Rojas' and, moreover, in 1978 completed a state exam as an art teacher at the college of education (Pädagogischen Hochschule) of Caracas. Here he worked as a art history teacher for many years.


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Bronzefigur Der, der sich nähert von Miguel Sanoja