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Im Rosengarten 9.980,00 €

Im Rosengarten

Bronze sculpture details

“In the morning, lightly wrapped in the towel, the girl steps into the garden and the dew gleams on the blossoms, which lie fully in the sunlight. At so much beauty she pauses – in this rose garden she moves quietly in order to take in all the beauty, the silence and the fragrance with all the fibres of her feeling. One can only enjoy and admire all this colourful diversity, all the roses, while sinking into oneself. The remembering silence and the wonder that lies in it in the morning is palpable in this girl.” (Erwin A. Schinzel)

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative

Erwin A. Schinzel

For more than three quarters of a century the sculptor Erwin A. Schinzel devoted himself to art.


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Bronzefigur Im Rosengarten von Erwin A. Schinzel Bronzefigur Im Rosengarten von Erwin A. Schinzel