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Willi Tannheimer (1939)

Willi Tannheimer was born in the Allgäu, the son of a wood sculptor, from whom he also enjoyed his first training. From 1966 to 1968, he attended the School of Applied Arts (Kunstgewerbeschule) in Munich and finally handed in his master's examination as a sculptor. After this, various study visits were carried out on international summer academies.

Since 1968, Willi Tannheimer has been working as a freelance sculptor. In his studio, located in his birthplace Hinterstein-Bruck, he has been creating sculptures and statues in a quite traditional theme. Tannheimer's work revolves around the motives of humans and animals; a significant proportion is also dedicated to sacred art. This has been honoured in many solo and group exhibitions. Tannheimer's sacral work can be found in churches in Bruck, Karben, Burgberg, Wattenscheid and even in Venezuela.

Sculptures by Willi Tannheimer


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