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Viktor Paluš (1986)

Viktor Paluš is one of the younger generation in the quite vibrant contemporary Czech sculptor scene. He himself is Slovakian and had already been trained as a catering professional in his homeland before coming to Brno to study sculpture in 2006. His and Psotková’s teacher, the renowned sculptor Michal Gabriel, has a study of his own there where he combines digital and traditional methods of sculpture, a technique that also fascinated Paluš. Thus his Octopus has in large part the use of the most modern 3D technologies to thank for its nearly hyper-realism; from the first sketch to the final touches, it went through several preparatory stages on the computer screen until finally – now once again by hand – taking on material shape in a sculpture. The original version, a plastic octopus as tall as a man, was created in the backyard of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno and conclusively found a place for itself in the garden of Troja Palace in Prague.

Sculptures by Viktor Paluš


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