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Filip Moroder Doss (1965)

Filip Moroder Doss begins his training at the age of 14 in the studio of his father, the academic sculptor Enrico Moroder Doss, and at the same time attends the vocational school of sculpture in Ortisei.

He attends various advanced training courses, as well as training courses in Italy as abroad, in which he shows off his creativity and artistic quality. In 1987 he founds his own company and in 1990 he opens his own studio together with his father.
There follows a successful collaboration with the most important museums of the Ladin cultural area in the context of the mythology and legends of the Dolomites.

Moroder Doss works in a wide variety of materials; wood, marble, steel, bronze and crystal are all equally available to him as expressive materials.

He participates in numerous exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Winner of numerous national and international competitions, Filip Moroder Doss is widely known for his works in sacred and profane form.


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