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König/Visionär 2.890,00 €


Bronze sculpture details

Standing with both feet firmly on the base of his pedestal, his gaze is directed at something higher. Groundedness and visionary strength – only together do they make a true monarch. King and queen in a set consisting of two sculptures.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Also available as a set!

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative

Stefan Donhauser

Stefan Donhauser learned all the rules of the craft when dealing with ceramic. He then trained at the School of Ceramic Design in Höhr-Grenzhausen to become a master student in ceramic design. Since 1993 he has been working successfully as a freelance sculptor.


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Bronzefigur König/Visionär von Stefan Donhauser Bronzefigur König/Visionär von Stefan Donhauser