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Harmonie 3.980,00 €


Bronze sculpture details

On the surface, the two arts could hardly be more contrasting: On the one hand, the harmonious music that echoes in the moment of the living performance, material-less and transient in space and time - and on the other, the sculptor's classical, massive sculpture, weighty and motionless.

Serge Perrot thinks both together: He uses the symbol for music par excellence - the treble clef - and forms a three-dimensional, intertwined structure from the two-dimensional graphic symbol, which symbolises the harmony of music in the harmony of perfectly coordinated proportions.
of perfectly harmonised proportions.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand. Limited to 24 numbered and signed copies.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Design
Style Realism

Serge Perrot

Serge Perrot

The works of Serge Perrot – not a classical sculptor, but a studied
Designers and graphic designers – are examples of the fact that even the millennia-old Casting and bronze art open new paths into the future.

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Bronzefigur «Harmonie» von Serge Perrot Bronzefigur «Harmonie» von Serge Perrot Bronzefigur «Harmonie» von Serge Perrot