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RHINOZEROS 6.380,00 €


Bronze sculpture details

Kruch’s rhinoceros, which recalls Dürer’s famous drawing, is a symbol of life and death. At a ripe old age, it stands on the threshold of death, yet new life has long been emerging from him in the form of a tree.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Style Surrealism

Otto Kruch

Otto Kruch-Portrait

Nikolaus-Otto Kruch is the son of a sculptor and a dancer – so he was practically born to have an artistic inclination. He was born a Transylvania Saxon in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and studied painting and sculpture in his home town. International awards soon followed, for instance, at the International Dante Biennale in Ravenna twice (1979 and 1981), which brought him contacts to the Italian art scene. In 1990 Kruch became a lecturer for sculpture and drawing at his hometown university, but in 1996 decided to continue his art and his life in Germany. Kruch is a member of the Artists’ Association of Romania as well as the Federal Association of Artists in Germany.


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