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Metamorphose 1.980,00 €


Bronze sculpture details

In classical mythology, metamorphosis is generally the transformation of a human figure into an animal, a tree, a stone – no species remains constant, it says in Ovid. Bodirsky’s Metamorphose (Metamorphosis) shows the simultaneity of old and new, of dead and alive, of outer and inner. The process of shedding a skin and opening up is painful, yet also releasing; it challenges you to let go of the old and open up to the new.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Mythology

Maria-Luise Bodirsky

Maria-Luise Bodirsky completed her state exams (in visual arts, German and psychology) which she did at the "college of Education" (Pädagogischen Hochschule) in Freiburg. After that Bodirsky continued her studies in painting and sculptural figures. She also attended various seminars and courses with internationally renowned artists and professors. In 1986, she founded her own ceramic studio in Oberrotweil next to Kaiserstuhl.


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Bronzefigur Metamorphose von Maria-Luise Bodirsky Bronzefigur Metamorphose von Maria-Luise Bodirsky Bronzefigur Metamorphose von Maria-Luise Bodirsky