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Kuh im Schatten 1.480,00 €

Kuh im Schatten

Bronze sculpture details

When the sun is low, says Kurt Tucholsky, even dwarfs cast long shadows. The same holds for small cows, Kurtfritz Handel is telling us.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Style Figurative

Kurtfritz Handel

Handel's artistic work includes landscape and animal sculptures, portraits, figurative sculptures and drawings. Impressive about his work is his understanding of forms, which is marked even in broad abstraction with a deep sense of humour.


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Bronzefigur Kuh im Schatten von Kurtfritz Handel Bronzefigur Kuh im Schatten von Kurtfritz Handel