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Der hinterhältige Mord am sagenhaften Goldbären 1.790,00 €

Der hinterhältige Mord am sagenhaften Goldbären

Bronze sculpture details

“Typically German” are both the bear as a sweet from the bag and Siegfried the hero, shown here as an ironic homage to the saga of the Nibelungs.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative

Dirk Balke

In an exhibition catalogue, Dirk Balke claims a bit ironically that he has been an “oil painter” since his seventh year of life, because that was when he got his first oil-based paints.

other works by Dirk Balke


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Bronzefigur Der hinterhältige Mord am Goldbären von Dirk Balke Bronzefigur Der hinterhältige Mord am Goldbären von Dirk Balke