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Auferstehung des menschlichen Phönix 2.780,00 €

Auferstehung des menschlichen Phönix

Bronze sculpture details

In the world of fables, a new phoenix arises after the death of the old bird. Here in the sculpture the soft features of the female body arise from an angular block. The body features unfold in all directions just as the phoenix unfolds after it hatches. In my opinion the female body is one of the most beautiful shapes to depict because convex and concave shapes alternate all over it.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative

David Verstege

Versteges artistic career began with an apprenticeship as a stone sculptor (Ausbildung zum Steinbildhauer) under the tutelage of Gerhard Mayr in Stuttgart. He practiced in the profession for five years (among others, at the state Dombauhütte to Passau), until he finally went to the "state school for craftsmen" (staatlichen Schule für Handweker) in Kaiserslautern, where he completed his master's certificate.


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Bronzefigur Auferstehung des menschlichen Phönix von David Verstege