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Luigi Colani (1928 - 2019)

Luigi Colani is regarded as one of the most important designers of our time, who revolutionised our ideas about the design of the product world for more than half a century. He has left his mark on all industries. Cars, cameras, aeroplanes, PCs, furniture, pianos ... He has redesigned and optimised almost everything in his typical organic shapes and there is hardly a design award that he has not received in his long career. For many years, he passed on his extensive knowledge as a professor at various universities.

Before studying aerodynamics at the Sorbonne in Paris, Colani attended the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin and studied sculpture and painting. Even back then, he was fascinated by the malleability of the material and, in fact, his creative work on the product and that on a free sculpture are quite comparable. Here, as there, the organic, the flowing form plays a role.



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