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Nackter Tanz 13.800,00 €

Nackter Tanz

Bronze sculpture details

A female figure, balancing on tiptoes on a wooden stump, as if standing on air. She is demonstrating a basic position in classical ballet with greatest elegance.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative

Roman Strobl

Roman Strobl is the son of a renowned wood sculptor, he had already learned his craft as a young man in his father's business when he went into the Italian Todi to study sculpture under the tutelage of Sebastian Cosamale.


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Bronzefigur Nackter Tanz von Roman Strobl Bronzefigur Nackter Tanz von Roman Strobl Bronzefigur Nackter Tanz von Roman Strobl Bronzefigur Nackter Tanz von Roman Strobl