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Reality 3.450,00 €


Bronze sculpture details

The way to the top is difficult and not everybody succeeds - also because there is a lack of respect at the top. In this respect, Simon's sculpture is a "memorial" for others to do it differently.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative
Style Surrealism

Robert Simon

Robert Simon could have been a musician. Before he became a sculptor, he studied music, but decided to perfect his sculpting talents which were clearly visible in his youth. In Austria - at the sculpture school Geisler-Moroder, he has been sharing his knowledge and experience as a lecturer with the next generation. At the same time, he completed an apprenticeship as a wood and stone sculptor.


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Bronzefigur Reality von Robert Simon Bronzefigur Reality von Robert Simon