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Esther Reinhart

In the beginning was the gentle stroke of Esther Reinhart’s sketching pen. She trained as a fashion designer in Zurich and also worked as one for many years in the international fashion industry for big labels such as Givenchy, Dior, Lanvin and Jean Louis Scherrer in Paris, and Valentino in Milan. Early on, all this was already being accompanied by artistic work; hence Reinhart studied anatomy and nude life drawing at the Beaux Arts in Paris, and at the same time expanded her work drawing storyboards and art illustrations for publishing houses. After this, she studied psychology and advanced systemic therapy and art therapy. But she continued to pursue her artistic interests. Reinhart trained as a sculptor and in doing so learned the historical techniques of sculpture and relief in plaster and bronze, as well as how to make stone and wood sculptures. Her works includes both abstract and representational art.

Sculptures by Esther Reinhart


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